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Tatiana on Dream Singles!
Tatiana ID: 10155589
I am a cheerful, active and confident girl. In life I try to catch only positive and never descend...
Christina ID: 10154850
I am a very kind, romantic and sincere girl. I have empathy and always try to help. I detest pain...
Christina on Dream Singles!
Xiaxia on Dream Singles!
Xiaxia ID: 10159332
I like to describe myself as a woman who puts heart into everything that I do, enjoy the simple...
Shengqun ID: 10158901
I consider myself a calm, disciplined woman. I like quiet plans but I also enjoy going out with my...
Shengqun on Dream Singles!
Qiushi on Dream Singles!
Qiushi ID: 10158871
I am a kind-hearted woman who dreams of sincere love and passion. My wishes are to be a beloved...
Meizhen ID: 10158861
I am a loving, happy woman. I am a home woman, striving every day to be better and make the people...
Meizhen on Dream Singles!
Huiya on Dream Singles!
Huiya ID: 10158544
Are you ready to bring our meeting closer now? I believe that each of us is waiting for love. I am...
Zhiwen ID: 10158511
I am a simple girl, humble, kind, responsible, but active, friendly, funny and very social. I like...
Zhiwen on Dream Singles!
Jiyi on Dream Singles!
Jiyi ID: 10158402
Do you like positive people? Well here is one. I am a girl with a positive vision above all else, I...
Yarong ID: 10158353
I am a woman who is very dedicated to my goal in life, to find the one. I would love to share my...
Yarong on Dream Singles!
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