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Daria on Dream Singles!
Daria ID: 10018609
I'm really sincere, calm, and full of energy. For me, it's a big pleasure to create home coziness...
Daria ID: 10017394
Life has developed in such a way that now I live far from my native home. I moved to hot sunny...
Daria on Dream Singles!
Julia on Dream Singles!
Julia ID: 10016755
I am a successful woman from a respected family, I have a kind and merciful soul, so I have chosen...
Olga ID: 10016037
I am a cheerful and goal-oriented person. I believe that every fall is an opportunity to rise and go...
Olga on Dream Singles!
Aleksandra Viktoria on Dream Singles!
Aleksandra Viktoria ID: 10015987
I like to monitor my health and nutrition, because our well-being depends only on ourselves. I...
Marina ID: 10015940
I am a practical, businesslike and confident girl. In life I value a businesslike approach and...
Marina on Dream Singles!
Alina on Dream Singles!
Alina ID: 10015893
I am a very goal-oriented girl who is used to achieving her goals. Since childhood, I have been...
Williane Thais ID: 10015628
I am a very gentle, romantic and loving girl. I really want to give my warmth and tenderness, from...
Williane Thais on Dream Singles!
Anastasia on Dream Singles!
Anastasia ID: 10015049
People of art are very quick-tempered, emotional, stormy. Especially women of art. I hope to find...
Darina ID: 10021851
I am the most positive person in the world. I hope a good sense of humor and I would laugh to be...
Darina on Dream Singles!
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