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Julia on Dream Singles!
Julia ID: 10016755
I am a successful woman from a respected family, I have a kind and merciful soul, so I have chosen...
Aleksandra Viktoria ID: 10015987
I like to monitor my health and nutrition, because our well-being depends only on ourselves. I...
Aleksandra Viktoria on Dream Singles!
Marina on Dream Singles!
Marina ID: 10015940
I am a practical, businesslike and confident girl. In life I value a businesslike approach and...
Ekaterina ID: 10008273
I can tell you first of all that I'm a pretty crazy and very driven woman who loves adventure in all...
Ekaterina on Dream Singles!
Alla on Dream Singles!
Alla ID: 10016748
I am very smily, kind, with a light character. I am always ready to support and to encourage. I am...
Oksana ID: 10016650
I am honest, kind, and positive. I love sports and a healthy lifestyle. I am convinced that even one...
Oksana on Dream Singles!
Marina on Dream Singles!
Marina ID: 10016388
I have not yet been able to meet nice person, and I decided to try to do it here. When initially we...
Marina ID: 10016050
As I told you already, I will be completely honest! I will not hide anything from you. I decide to...
Marina on Dream Singles!
Nadezhda on Dream Singles!
Nadezhda ID: 10013485
I am a free and independent woman. I live my life according to the principle of doing what I can to...
Zoia ID: 10009294
I came here with hope in my heart. I think that for every person on earth there is the right half....
Zoia on Dream Singles!
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