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Ekaterina on Dream Singles!
Ekaterina ID: 10008273
I can tell you first of all that I'm a pretty crazy and very driven woman who loves adventure in all...
Anna ID: 10004146
My goal in life is to create a loving family and buy a house to create coziness and warmth for our...
Anna on Dream Singles!
Daniela Alejandra on Dream Singles!
Daniela Alejandra ID: 10002995
I think that I can be called a sincere girl. I really believe that a person is his soul, not a...
Elena ID: 10002964
My life has its own smell and taste, it is an unforgettable taste of stability and the vanilla...
Elena on Dream Singles!
Elizaveta on Dream Singles!
Elizaveta ID: 10002857
I am a cheerful and gentle girl! I have a lot of hobbies and hobbies, I love swimming and outdoor...
Irina ID: 10002290
I'm a marketer, but in my spare time I really enjoy being a photographer and posing for pictures! I...
Irina on Dream Singles!
Elizaveta on Dream Singles!
Elizaveta ID: 10001995
I am a very kind person, I am an empath. For me, the worst thing is when I see that someone is sad...
Zoia ID: 10009294
I came here with hope in my heart. I think that for every person on earth there is the right half....
Zoia on Dream Singles!
Ekaterina on Dream Singles!
Ekaterina ID: 10008312
In fact, I am a calm and "just the way things are" person. I am 200% not going to say that I am a...
Elena ID: 10005195
I love to cook, especially pastries, my signature dish is varenyky, this is a dish from Ukrainian...
Elena on Dream Singles!
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