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Andriana on Dream Singles!
Andriana ID: 9992857
I am demanding, but in moderation. I am constantly developing, learning something new. My main hobby...
Aziza ID: 9989824
I am an active woman and I used to think that I have time everywhere. I was able to build a...
Aziza on Dream Singles!
Ksenia on Dream Singles!
Ksenia ID: 9997249
I love finding inspiration in everything and everyone. I like to observe the world, people and...
Veronika ID: 9995760
I would say that I am a very positive person and purposeful. I know that if you want something, then...
Veronika on Dream Singles!
Tatiana on Dream Singles!
Tatiana ID: 9995748
I am empathetic and kind. I am very sociable and make friends easily. I like drinking coffee and...
Tatiana ID: 9991697
I am the youngest in the family, I have two older brothers. I really like to travel, but so far I...
Tatiana on Dream Singles!
Diandra on Dream Singles!
Diandra ID: 9990490
I am very sociable and friendly, it is easy for me to make new acquaintances with people. To my...
Oksana ID: 9998236
I am lawyer by profession and I like what I do, as you can understand I always have my point of...
Oksana on Dream Singles!
Marina on Dream Singles!
Marina ID: 9996762
Beautiful and strong - it's about me. I'm refugee from Ukraine. My house was in Kyiv. But now it's...
Alisa ID: 9996535
I am a very businesslike and goal-oriented girl. I have always strived for something bigger, better...
Alisa on Dream Singles!
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