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Anastasia on Dream Singles!
Anastasia ID: 9983785
I am active and positive - I am the kind of person who sees the goals and do not see the obstacles....
Ekaterina ID: 9983701
I am empathetic and kind. I am currently engaged in a volunteering activity in my city which is very...
Ekaterina on Dream Singles!
Christina on Dream Singles!
Christina ID: 9983287
I am very multifaceted, on the one hand, a serious and strict financist, and on the other hand, a...
Alina ID: 9980551
I am a woman who loves an active lifestyle and trying different things. I have been studying at a...
Alina on Dream Singles!
Regina on Dream Singles!
Regina ID: 9979333
I am a decent, kind and trusting girl. I love to clean and keep order in the house, responsive,...
Elena ID: 9978333
I am an outgoing, relaxed and practical girl. I believe that a healthy body has a healthy spirit....
Elena on Dream Singles!
Darina on Dream Singles!
Darina ID: 9977785
I am an open and honest person. I believe that people can change the world for the better. Always...
Aleksandra ID: 9977724
I am a very positive person, even when I am in a bad mood, I always smile, because even without my...
Aleksandra on Dream Singles!
Julia on Dream Singles!
Julia ID: 9984859
I had the most wonderful childhood. My family and I lived in a private house, where we had complete...
Anastasia ID: 9983171
I've written enough about what I love, haven't I? But still - I'd like to tell you about myself....
Anastasia on Dream Singles!
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