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Elizaveta on Dream Singles!
Elizaveta ID: 9951384
I am a restless and active woman, who cannot stand routine and monotony of routine. Since childhood,...
Anna ID: 9951293
I am very tender, kind and feminine! I love helping people and always trying to do my best to help...
Anna on Dream Singles!
Daria on Dream Singles!
Daria ID: 9951192
I am kind and responsive! I have devoted almost my entire life to medicine. My main goal in life is...
Yana ID: 9955236
Since I started learning English early, I have more opportunities. I have devoted part of my life to...
Yana on Dream Singles!
Angelina on Dream Singles!
Angelina ID: 9953595
Despite the fact that I have a very serious job, I am a very cheerful person. I lead an active...
Yohana Ayelen ID: 9952545
I am very hardworking, diligent, considerate and responsible person. I like to constantly learn,...
Yohana Ayelen on Dream Singles!
Maria on Dream Singles!
Maria ID: 9952346
I am a very versatile person. I love living, learning new things, trying my hand at what I'm good...
Victoria ID: 9952196
My lifestyle is healthy eating and sports. My day always starts with a run and a healthy breakfast....
Victoria on Dream Singles!
Natalia on Dream Singles!
Natalia ID: 9952153
Fragile, tender woman. I love helping people, I love children's laughter and sunshine. For me, life...
Ksenia ID: 9955098
Loud parties, big companies, walks until the morning - all this is not about me! I am a calm and...
Ksenia on Dream Singles!
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