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Ksenia on Dream Singles!
Ksenia ID: 9945929
I work in the beauty industry, I'm a manicurist. Everyone says that I have a talent, I perceive it...
Galia ID: 9945112
I am achiever. I work hard and I know how to achieve success. I started working when I was 16, and...
Galia on Dream Singles!
Angelina on Dream Singles!
Angelina ID: 9953595
Despite the fact that I have a very serious job, I am a very cheerful person. I lead an active...
Marina ID: 9946979
About myself I can tell a lot, but first I think it will be enough to describe me a couple of words:...
Marina on Dream Singles!
Veronika on Dream Singles!
Veronika ID: 9946937
My close one consider me mutual and sincere lady. I am romantic and adventurous. I can't stand...
Anastasia ID: 9946934
The most important thing in my opinion in my life is to find happiness, a real home, not in material...
Anastasia on Dream Singles!
Marina on Dream Singles!
Marina ID: 9946787
In Ukraine when you are almost 30 they say that your clock is ticking and that you are already an...
Eva ID: 9946731
Sport is a part of my life! I am a professional athlete! I do bikini fitness! I take part in...
Eva on Dream Singles!
Anastasia on Dream Singles!
Anastasia ID: 9946520
I like to keep myself in a good shape. For me, sport is like an activity in which I can let go of...
Nadira ID: 9946078
I love sports, go in for swimming, I like to read books, I am an active person, I love traveling and...
Nadira on Dream Singles!
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