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Angelina on Dream Singles!
Angelina ID: 9941117
I can't imagine my life without coffee. I just love making my own coffee with coconut milk. I like...
Lilia ID: 9943831
Have you ever seen a special woman in your dreams? Unfortunately, she doesn't know you are hoping...
Lilia on Dream Singles!
Julia on Dream Singles!
Julia ID: 9940210
I am an empath. I can't watch when someone suffers, I start suffering too! I love all people and...
Tatiana ID: 9940090
My parents passed on to me the nicest and most important qualities: first of all, calmness, sobriety...
Tatiana on Dream Singles!
Valeria on Dream Singles!
Valeria ID: 9939787
I'm a serious woman. I don't want to play games and could compare myself to a good wine that once...
Irina ID: 9939694
I think I'm feminine and attractive. But I do not mean just looks. I never judge people by their...
Irina on Dream Singles!
Anastasia on Dream Singles!
Anastasia ID: 9939520
I'm a very easy going person! I have a good character and always on positive! I make goals and do...
Aliona ID: 9939409
In life I am a positive person! I like to learn English, it's a very beautiful language and I think...
Aliona on Dream Singles!
Irina on Dream Singles!
Irina ID: 9939071
I have an interesting personality with various hobbies. I read a lot of books and could find my...
Anna ID: 9944428
I am very fond of psychology and always try to look at some moments from two sides, this often helps...
Anna on Dream Singles!
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