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Andrea on Dream Singles!
Andrea ID: 9935505
All my life I try to help people and live right! I grew up in a decent family and tried to be an...
Anna ID: 9938745
I like to learn everything new, I like to go on a new journey every time, it rarely happens when I...
Anna on Dream Singles!
Anna on Dream Singles!
Anna ID: 9936538
I am a strong spirit person, and I want to see a strong and decent man with life experience and the...
Ludmila ID: 9935537
I could talk a lot about myself but, of course, it is better to see and feel who I am, how I live,...
Ludmila on Dream Singles!
Sofia on Dream Singles!
Sofia ID: 9935424
What is necessary for happiness? Maybe proto money? I don't think, I think that material wealth is...
Amira ID: 9934567
I am a fireball inside, I burn and love life, but like any fire, I can be gentle and warm. I...
Amira on Dream Singles!
Victoria on Dream Singles!
Victoria ID: 9934370
I am a traveler. Been to a few interesting places and will be glad to tell you about that...
Ekaterina ID: 9933708
I am open and direct, easy-going and optimistic, I am kind and tender, but can be strict and angry...
Ekaterina on Dream Singles!
Victoria on Dream Singles!
Victoria ID: 9933518
Purposeful and very cheerful girl. I appreciate what people are on the inside, not on the outside....
Irina ID: 9932652
I am currently studying at the university, my profession is very important in life, I am a...
Irina on Dream Singles!
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