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Angelina on Dream Singles!
Angelina ID: 9926970
I am living alone but not really. I have a cat with me. It's Maine Coon. You know the big type of a...
Nicole ID: 9926519
I have been working in advertising and modeling since I was 17 years old. More than 7 years working...
Nicole on Dream Singles!
Elena on Dream Singles!
Elena ID: 9930542
I am a very inquisitive, active, cheerful person and an incorrigible romantic. I have many plans and...
Karina ID: 9930204
I decided to connect my life at the moment with sports, it has had a good effect on me. Because when...
Karina on Dream Singles!
Daria on Dream Singles!
Daria ID: 9930199
I think that my main quality is determination. I never give up on my goals and I want my man to be...
Olga ID: 9929810
I am smily and positive. I try to preserve a good mood regardless of what might happen and I never...
Olga on Dream Singles!
Ekaterina on Dream Singles!
Ekaterina ID: 9929673
I am kind, sensitive, tender and feminine. I detest violence and deception, and I must admit,...
Marina ID: 9929028
I'm a very positive girl, I like to lead a healthy lifestyle so much. I drink fresh fruit every...
Marina on Dream Singles!
Daria on Dream Singles!
Daria ID: 9928628
I'm a very businesslike girl and I don't like to waste time. At work every minute is scheduled, so...
Carla Michele ID: 9928440
I think my most important quality is loyalty. I am the most loyal friend and partner, cause my main...
Carla Michele on Dream Singles!
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