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Daria on Dream Singles!
Daria ID: 9923745
I am a theater and television actress. I love being active outdoors! I love dancing, music and...
Eleonora ID: 9923473
I have a law degree, but I've always been drawn to the finer things in life and now I work as a...
Eleonora on Dream Singles!
Irina on Dream Singles!
Irina ID: 9923378
I love hats, do you have hats? Will you lend me your hat? I am a very passionate, romantic person. I...
Anastasia ID: 9920546
I used to be a big travel lover! I like to get to know new places and new people, it really makes me...
Anastasia on Dream Singles!
Anastasia on Dream Singles!
Anastasia ID: 9919956
I work as a manager in a travel agency, I love communicating with people and I am always a positive...
Yana ID: 9923570
In this bright, immense world, filled with all the things they talk and write about in books, I want...
Yana on Dream Singles!
Alisa on Dream Singles!
Alisa ID: 9920965
I am an open and sociable person. I love spending time with my loved ones, I love hiking. I also...
Darina ID: 9920659
I work as a translator and travel often for work! I have always believed that you can build a...
Darina on Dream Singles!
Anastasia on Dream Singles!
Anastasia ID: 9919012
I am a very kind and open girl. I always come to one's help when I am asked. I am polite and...
Paula ID: 9920151
I enjoy going out for fresh air. of good walks, of a good dinner, cooked at home, I am a great...
Paula on Dream Singles!
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