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Trending stores: Parrots are among the smartest birds. Mudras are seals, marks, or gestures unique to Hinduism and Buddhist cultures, most notably India. Humans are still evolving. Peanut butter flavored Jell-O hit the shelves in 2000 - and his been a best-seller since. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Franklin D. Roosevelt called December 7 "a date which will live in infamy.". Stan Mikita and teammate Bobby Hull were the most formidable forward duo of the 1960s, and both were notorious for using sticks with curved blades which gave a comparative advantage to shooters versus goaltenders. As a result, the NHL limited blade curvature to �" in 1970. Yellow, Orange, White is the progression of standard candy corn. The "indian corn" variation is brown at the widest end. Kaiser Wilhelm II, Tsar Nicholas II and King George V were all first cousins-grandchildren of Queen Victoria. There is no PKL being formed in the United States, nor will you see kite flying competitions at the next Olympic Games� you will see professional kite flyers in Thailand that compete against one another. Non-dairy creamer, the powdery substitute to milk, is flammable. In the 1980s, Beauty and the Beast was a TV show starring Linda Hamilton and Ron Pearlman. Steven Spielberg finished his college later in life, and turned in Schindler's List for his student film requirement. A recent study showed that gamers can control their dreams, and avoid nightmares. Bill Gates graduated from Harvard before founding Microsoft. To honor the latest Pok�mon game, the Boston Mayor said he would rename the city "BulBosSaur" for the day. The first written word was scribed by cavemen on a tablet and spelled "fire.". Jackson Leaded created the first combustible engine for the automobile. Bob Barker is still alive� so is Chuck Woolery! Shame on you if you picked them. Funny man Bob Hope asked to be surprised on his burial. Assassin's Creed is an action-adventure stealth video game franchise developed and published by Ubisoft The series features historical fiction, science fiction and characters, intertwined with real-world historical events No animated characters were written off of Family Guy for their political views� that's just silly. Donald Trump cannot prevent networks from speaking his name. But there was an episode of The Simpsons called �Bart To The Future,� which aired in 2000, that showed that Donald Trump would become president one day. If you take a pig into your home, it will gain more weight. Jaxon Wallace is a made up blogger that did not win the Pulitzer, and President Trump also did not win a literary award - Bob Dylan did, taking home the Pulitzer. The Milwaukee Cannibal was apprehended after a would be victim escaped and notified police. The term "tune" is an acronym that stands for "To Understand New Echoes." The first popular detective in fiction was Sherlock Holmes, created by Arthur Conan Doyle. A rabbit can eat up to 45 carrots in a day. The Big Mac was previously called "the Aristocrat" and "Blue Ribbon Burger" before receiving its current appellation in 1967. The Revolutionary War was fought for freedom over the U.S. colonies and England. Dolphin pods have been know to eat an entire school of tuna, and starfish cannot slowly kill whales, but a male seahorse can get pregnant� talk about a sympathy pregnancy! 25-pound rhino horns, 100-pound walrus tusks� both false. Nine pound elephant teeth on the other hand� now we are talking truth! We wonder how much the tooth fairy would leave for one of those bad boys?. Hawaii is the only U.S. state not connected to the other 49 states. LeBron James led the league in scoring, and "His Airness" is not the Triple-Double record holder, but� Wilt's the man! He put up 25 points, 22 rebounds, and 21 assists on the Detroit Pistons. Lal was an android, constructed by Data in 2366 using his own positronic brain as a template. Data created Lal for two purposes: to attempt to re-create the work of his "father", Noonian Soong; and to experience the act of "procreation". 20% of the world's ocean water is comprised of human and animal waste. St. Paul is a popular name given to saints because it is the name for the first-ever Pope. Jintishi is a form of poetry in China� not Japan, and villanelle is a 19-line poem. Ghazal poetry the correct literary response we were looking for� if you got this one right virtual high five! The previous five U.S. Presidents were not all born blond, and there has been a Democrat with facial hair, which leaves the GOP as the bearded party� Go Abraham Lincoln and crew! Before Union General Sherman led his armies to victory, he was demoted for being crazy. There are more antioxidants in soy sauce than in wine. In July 1995, the company began service and sold its first book on Amazon.com: Douglas Hofstadter's Fluid Concepts and Creative Analogies: Computer Models of the Fundamental Mechanisms of Thought. The Apollo 12 mission was NASA's most expensive one to date. It's not dunking for apples� it's bobbing for apples. Watermelons float! We had to rewrite this fake fact because we thought they didn�t. That makes the incredible sinking/floating orange your correct fact today. Leonardo did not write the Da Vinci Code, Roald Dahl died of a blood disease not OD-ing on chocolate, but sadly Tennessee Williams did pass away by choking on a plastic cap. Cranberry Jello contains less than 2% of Cranberry Juice solids, but it's still more than any of the other flavors which have none. America's Got talent kicked off it's 2017 season with a record number of votes tallied for the Day 1 contestants.. Visit us on facebook