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This email is for Randolph Fitzgerald because you signed up for this service.


My dear Randolph,

If you sincerely think that such circumstances can be owing to a succession of remarkable ups and downs… If you were convinced that your 6 Numbers of Destiny materialized by 6 pages of the Magic Notebook came to you by chance…

Yes, if you still think this, I can only ask you with insistence this Randolph: take a few minutes and watch carefully the video I recorded for you.

I know that all this series of events could make you think. So, if you will, let’s give ourselves a few minutes to look at what’s happened.

I decide to participate in a program about paranormal phenomena. An assistant on the program has heard about a house supposed to be haunted in England, in a small town. In the place where the program takes place, in the library exactly, I find a notebook. I take it back to my hotel room in order to decipher its pages that are full of rituals and prayers. The notebook draws my attention then I see 6 numbers and your first name. I then understand that I must give you the 6 pages corresponding to the 6 numbers.

And you would be tempted to believe Randolph that this would be owing to strange circumstances for sure but only owing to chance?

It’s quite simply impossible to believe. I’m absolutely certain that there’s an Entity behind this, a supra-sensitive Power that has planned everything because it wants your happiness. Believe in my long experience, I’m used to the doings of the invisible universes: I know what I’m talking about!

Also believe me that not to answer such doings would purely and simply amount to turning your back on this Entity that has done everything to get to you.

So just press on this link to accept the Magic and to receive the 6 pages of the Notebook.

See you soon!

With all my affection,


Your Medium and Protector

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