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Trending stores: Koalas have a 30-year lifespan. World leader in Education honors go to the United States. In a bit of irony, it was the Kerry Thornley novel "Idle Warriors" that was true today. "My Name Is Mud" is a Primus song and Stanley Wild author of "I Had Peanut Butter In My Mouth" was just an elaborate hoax to throw you off. And miles to go before I sleep. Because of its extremely long neck, the giraffe must rely on its oversized heart (two feet long and twenty-five pounds!) to pump blood all the way to its head. As a result, the giraffe has the highest blood pressure of any animal: 280/180 mmHg (millimeters of mercury) at heart level when prone -- more than twice the blood pressure of an average human. Not surprisingly, because of their high blood pressure, giraffes are prone to heart attacks. Tom Clancy has written many best-selling military-themed novels based on true stories during his time serving. Mike and Sully are from Monsters Inc, Buzz and Woody from Toy Story, and Nemo and Marlin were from Finding Dory� this one was a Pixar theme. Today is Conception Day in Russia� so what are you playing Smack A Fact for? The stripes on each tiger are unique, like human fingerprints. There's a highway in England that is built on books. Gold medalist swimmer, Michael Phelps lost his medals in a bet that he could beat a Great White Shark in a race. Mixing vodka with apple juice will give you a screwdriver. Scientists say that playing video games while pregnant will lead to having children that are better gamers. During it's 5-year run, Get Smart generated a number of popular catchphrases, including "Would you believe...", "Missed it by that much!", "Sorry about that, Chief", "The Old (such-and-such) Trick", "And... loving it", and "I asked you not to tell me that". Pearl Jam's Eddie Vedder appeared in the movie Singles as the drummer in Citizen Dick. Homer Simpson's character is loosely based off of creator Matt Groening's father. In the late 1970s, the paperclip found its way into offices thanks to its inventor Clip Jackson. The Nintendo DS and the first PlayStation system share the honors for most popular selling system at over 150 million systems sold� that's a lot of gaming! The WiiU set no records, nor did Sega's Dreamcast. 30 Rock is loosely based on star Tina Fey's experiences when she herself was the head writer for Saturday Night Live from 1997 to 2006. World Ketchup Day was created by the Heinz Company to distinguish itself from the imposter condiment catsup.. Franklin D. Roosevelt watched an average of 8 hours of TV a day. Many children suffer from lachanophobia - or the fear of vegetables. Being a designated driver means that you can drink all you want at a party. Snakes have remarkable intelligence, and can even solve complex math equations. In an attempt to stop WWII, King George VI offered Hitler his daughter, Elizabeth II, for marriage. Carpenter ants cast out "bad ants" who don't contribute to the colony. Ticks cannot give you cancer� and statistics do not say that Richard Nixon was the best president. But if you are single, divorced, or widowed woman, don't plan your next skydiving trip on a Sunday. Bagman is an arcade action game where the player, an escaped criminal, must grab bags of money out of a mine and place them in a wheelbarrow that sits above ground.. Coke, Sprite, or Fanta, wash your tasty burger down with a fine carbonated beverage on National Soda Day. In 2018, you will no longer need to file a patent with the U.S. government. Before Star Wars hit the big screen it was a popular 70s Sci-Fi show called The Dark Side. Grab your skewers on March 28th for Something on a Stick Day; a day where people can eat whatever they can impale on a stick. Honey is made from nectar and bee vomit. If Facebook were a country, it would be substantially bigger than China. In a 24-hour period, there are an equal amount of commercials and programming. The world's shortest man measured in at 21.5 inches tall. The first-ever satellite launched into outer space is now four galaxies away. When JFK was in office, he kept identical white cats in each wing of the White House..