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This email is for Randolph Fitzgerald because you signed up for this service.


My dear Randolph,

Fatigue, insomnia, lack of desire, weariness… all this could last and I’m wondering if you’ve understood the urgency of the situation… it’s a question of your well-being! I think you should take the time to watch the video message here.

You’ll quickly understand how important it is and that I was right to warn you. Especially, don’t thank me Randolph! It’s normal for me to bring the help and the support that my protégées need. Instead of this, watch my recording.

In this way, you could make up for lost time and solve a situation that could cause serious problems in the near future if nothing is done. So what’s it about exactly? I told you in my previous email… But have you read it with care? As it’s important, I’ll give you the explanations again that concerns you, don’t forget!

What’s happening that’s so terrible Randolph?

I’ve discovered that an important zodiacal depression is sucking up all the energies of the people of the sign of Sagittarius, of whom you’re among I think. And you’re not an isolated case. In four days, you’re the fourth person I’m helping on this subject. And you’re the only one who hasn’t answered me immediately…

To tell you the truth, I’m worried Randolph! Of course, there’s still time to put you under protection. To do this, you’ll find on this link the Shield of Coriolis that I must send you.

Don’t put off until later what you can do immediately. You mustn’t wait to be deprived of all the abilities of your chain of energy. Answer me quickly!


Your Medium and Protector


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