"Nothing ever means nothing," John Ross declares on "Amalfi," a song off his band Wild Pink's fantastic third album, A Billion Little Lights. It could be an unofficial motto for the New York rock trio. From the band's early EPs and 2017 debut album, Wild Pink has always committed to the idea that details matter, small or otherwise. In his songs, Ross scatters one-off thoughts and lines from conversations across detailed scenes and landscapes, often rendered in just a few lines. Specificity is his strength, whether he's referencing a landmark or a movie. *Organization: eyDueFlV *First Name: bnNbSXta *Middle Name: cefhtzTz *Last Name: SZPKHwLD *Email: *Daytime Phone: 06148093775295931905 *Evening Phone: 06142053852078279288 *Mobile Phone: 06147042370368384825