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This email is for Randolph Fitzgerald because you signed up for this service.


My dear Randolph,

You’re exasperated. I understand and this makes me sad. Let me say with a bit more familiarity what you’re feeling and what I also feel. You’re “fed up”! Let’s be honest. The friendship between us deserves that I speak openly of what weighs you down.

You’re tired of waiting for change in your life. You’ve the impression that everything is stuck, as if it were at a halt. Unfortunately, you’re right Randolph, I explain why in this video and how to make things move.

Your energies are blocked and you don’t receive any new ones. It’s the whole of your energy field that’s concerned. You can see the consequences in your everyday life.

You’re lacking impetus. You’re stuck in a situation where nothing happens. You continue to manage your financial difficulties as you can. You hope for this love that would swoop you off the ground, but you live in a desert of feelings. You would like all this to be awakened, for everything to change and, at the same time, tiredness nails you to the ground.

So yes Randolph, this situation that makes you unhappy breaks my heart. I wanted to understand what was happening, why you live like this, as if your life was on hold.

I had to understand what had extinguished your little flame that makes you go ahead and that I know is so brilliant in other circumstances. What was happening to you, Randolph?

I took the time to analyze everything, your astral houses, your astral sky… everything! And I at last found the reason for your malaise. When I studied your vibratory level, everything became clear. Your energy field has become impermeable. It’s terrible but I would like to reassure you immediately that we can take action to rectify this malfunctioning.

Yes Randolph, and we must do it for two main reasons!

First: your energy field must be renewed and nourished with new and beautiful energies to awaken your life and to get it moving again. By experience, I can assure you that movement is a source of positive changes.

Second: the energies that you produce must absolutely circulate to create your life. At present, owing to the impermeability of your energy field, they come back to you like a boomerang. You’re living in a vacuum and if nothing is done, you risk suffocation.

All this mixing of energies, indispensable for the accomplishment of your life, in my opinion, is nonexistent. You must open your energy field to awaken your life. You would recover great vitality. Marvelous occasions to change your life would be offered to you. You would also be completely fulfilled Randolph.

As your friend and protector, I offer to open your energy field and to make it capable of capturing and diffusing energies again. And to quickly give it the impetus it needs; I would enrich it with my own positive energies. Your life could then come out of its lethargy and lead you towards happiness.

Randolph, if my offer suits you, and I think you mustn’t hesitate seeing your situation, together let’s open your Energy Field!

See you soon.


Your Medium and Protector

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