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This email is for Randolph Fitzgerald because you signed up for this service.


My dear Randolph,

You’re turning around in circles and it’s not going to stop if you don’t take account of the phenomenon that’s happening at present on the level of your twelve astral houses. I’ve already warned you; they are fighting a violent battle with strong contradictory powers.

You’re perhaps not aware of it but your Mind can feel it. That’s why it connected to me while I was asleep to bring you help. If you want the answers to all your questions concerning your future, you must watch this video as quickly as possible!

My dear Randolph, you need answers, certainties, but for as long as your twelve astral houses are in difficulty, you’ll find no answers to your questions. And you, like me, know how numerous they are in the present circumstances: Who can you count on? What will your future be like? How to be happy and with whom?

To find the solutions that would enable you to lead the life you would like to live, isn’t it important, Randolph?

You must reconcile your twelve astral houses and, from then, you’ll benefit from great serenity, eliminating all your worries. You’ll obtain clear-sightedness. Everything will become limpid, obvious… the answers would be at your feet.

To harmonize the powers of your astral houses, you need the Ring of Astral Reconciliation that I’ll mark, thanks to my supernatural fluid, with the twelve signs of the Zodiac. This intervention is essential to give back to each of your astral houses their specific powers.

The contradictory powers of your astral houses would cease and recover absolute harmony. You could decide to take action to find complete serenity. Your ideas would be clearer and from this clear-sightedness would come the answers to your questions. 

Randolph, don’t wait any longer! Ask me to send you the Ring of Astral Reconciliation here!

I’m waiting to hear from you very quickly!

Your Medium and Protector,


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