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This email is for Randolph Fitzgerald because you signed up for this service.


My dear Randolph,

I’ve spent time understanding why you were tired and why you were stuck in a life without change. You can’t not notice it. Nothing happens in your life. You always have the same difficulties: financial problems, a practically nonexistent love life… and no changes coming up on the horizon.

And if this time, you at last took the time to understand and to watch my video on this link. You would know how to make things move in your favor.

Yes Randolph, only a few little minutes would be enough to seize the importance of having a permeable energy field. Yours has become impermeable and the consequences prevent you from going ahead in life.

An energy field is made to send energies and to receive new ones to enable it to move. Movement is a source of positive change. The energies that you produce must circulate to create your life. At present, they can’t radiate because they’re blocked in your energy field.

Energies have such an influence on you and on your life. Their absence deprives you of beautiful, happy times and of your fulfillment. I want to help you to recover a living energy field, open to the outside world.

Randolph, accept that I use my ultra-sensory abilities to open your energy field and to enrich it with my own positive energies. If you’re hesitating because of the financial participation, I’m reducing the amount of the requested donation. You only need to pay a small part of it. In this way, you can make your decision with no constraints.

I’m your friend and protector. I want you to be full of vitality and that you recover this little flame that makes you want to go ahead. Marvelous occasions would then show up for you. Yes, you would be fulfilled and radiant!

Let’s bring change to your life, let’s get it out of this blocked situation that weighs you down. And for this, let’s open together, your Energy Field HERE!


Your friend and Medium

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