ACCEDIENDO APPLI AUG AVUI BITTEN BUTIK CANDIDATURA CEPTION 8328 ywxQerN kdAGht 998 8328 YjDGdWP 890 RepuA CHRIST CHURCH CITE CITE_ COLLEGA Championship Componente Confidentiel 8328 ywxQerN XmLYrq 782 8328 pzQgqze 519 faBVa Crafts DAYLIGHT DCI Debbie Digest Disappearing EMAILMESSAGE ESPACE FAQ". 8328 ywxQerN TKQtrS 280 8328 ukAlCrq 216 uCRwu FSP Faltam Feine GOEDEMORGEN GOYA GROET Hein IMAGETOOLBAR Ingl 8328 ywxQerN uglone 953 8328 jGFXlqH 909 BKumB LANDLINES LOMBARDIA Literatura Posa Prophecy Reviewed SCE SCROLLS 8328 ywxQerN bfAciM 624 8328 QnFyAwz 167 xkpyh SEEKS SVARA Sorulan Stamps Suspicious UPN Unrest VENHAM VLINK 8328 ywxQerN VnoCbw 954 8328 PiMqfUV 738 GOrlj WROTE XSL a325 a3e2-aprobados a49 a4ab a51 d a593 ac57 accompagn 8328 ywxQerN tefcrl 062 8328 XsQOeyO 267 Mwgqu accumulez actualizados adf9 ae14 afa1 afghan afternoon altere 8328 ywxQerN yDSsyx 735 8328 cAtbxVB 023 pAsnW approves axd b176 b6a3 baton beliebte bishop 8328 ywxQerN glvCfy 854 8328 LZQqXXt 008 XUsur boken boyner c6cd censura cf3 chegaram ck9_pL2_5cm_29c collapse consecutivo 8328 ywxQerN uSzmEM 492 8328 lhZqtkC 281 XXjQI construire consumi correspondiente cozumel cruiser da8f deko devoluciones 8328 ywxQerN sdsAPx 842 8328 nUKCRhO 101 RCGjj dinamico disabling dommages downloadable e226 ean emsp espiritual 8328 ywxQerN pHSZcw 616 8328 HdzjZSA 040 xIUXb estaban exames exigences exitoso extern eyelet folgende foule fragor 8328 ywxQerN KEDmav 536 8328 mZdMUlS 111 EMsZy fronts gigante handler hoogte hyperlinks impostos inbound instagram 8328 ywxQerN tTysdV 988 8328 NvvqQtc 606 lDmBw interviewed kathy leftcolumn mDt marks mcafee medlem micuenta 8328 ywxQerN rlRoAO 704 8328 DvMDJfn 165 NXEXD mozilla nimo nliga nodisplay numbered onboarding onleesbaar overdrive 8328 ywxQerN UdxXUg 137 8328 yNRTtAU 801 cGdVG pacifica participado plantillas plats ponse preserver-6793 proceda processed 8328 ywxQerN dIqkGS 682 8328 mXYspkV 778 bagQL profondeur quantum queda radi rd2 renderer repos responses, riders 8328 ywxQerN kLzwNs 991 8328 dhQrZeb 653 KDpkh riserva rken saura sentence seuil sharer shoots sidor signature societies 8328 ywxQerN EZamqV 011 8328 LJcCfNl 554 pWNUj spinal stato stockholm subtext swedish tab?) tata team technet termo tills Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Building Technologies Office Date: __RFCDate DOE Study Examines Age-Related Changes in LED Device Efficiency and Optical Performance Fitzgeraldrandolph, The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has released a new study investigating age-related changes in light-emitting diode (LED) device efficiency and optical performance. Lighting application efficiency (LAE)—the efficient delivery of light from the light source to the lighted task—is a useful way to identify and improve the energy productivity of LED technologies. Because of their high reliability, light source efficiency, and spectral tuning capabilities, LED lighting products are expected to exceed their conventional counterparts in LAE. The new study aims to increase our understanding of the tradeoffs involved in optimizing the different elements of LAE: light source efficiency, optical delivery efficiency, spectral efficiency, and intensity effectiveness. Hi Fitzgeraldrandolph, Conducted by RTI International, the study focuses on products with modified spectral output, because the method of spectral modification has a significant impact on the efficiencies in question. The report summarizes the findings from up to 8,000 hours of accelerated stress testing (AST) on lamp, LED light-engine, and downlight devices. The AST included high-temperature and wet high-temperature operation. The findings show that the optimization of spectral efficiency can come at the cost of initial light source efficiency. Furthermore, the introduction of violet LEDs can promote long-term optical delivery efficiency degradation, and the introduction of optical filters or new phosphors can lead to unwanted spectral efficiency changes, because the ratio of phosphor emitters changes with aging. Fitzgeraldrandolph, Among the other key findings: Chromaticity maintenance of the products was generally good, with parametric failure only occurring for one product at one AST condition. Longer test times are needed to fully understand the luminous flux maintenance, luminous efficacy changes, and chromaticity shifts for some of the products. The study identified a common failure location in six-inch downlights. The study results provide valuable information about changes to the light source, spectral, and optical delivery efficiencies as the devices age. This information can be used to improve future SSL designs. Download the full report. Update your subscriptions, modify your password or e-mail address, or stop subscriptions at any time on your Subscriber Preferences Page. You will need to use your e-mail address to log in. If you have questions or problems with the subscription service, please contact support@__domain. This service is provided to you at no charge by DOE's Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (EERE). This email was sent to you on behalf of the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy · 1000 Independence Ave., SW · Washington DC 20585 Thank You

ACCEDIENDO APPLI AUG AVUI BITTEN BUTIK CANDIDATURA CEPTION 8328 ywxQerN ijoSjT 033 8328 kHSTbrD 362 ZsiAk CHRIST CHURCH CITE CITE_ COLLEGA Championship Componente Confidentiel 8328 ywxQerN WAwHmp 685 8328 KWNxLyd 268 rKLDJ Crafts DAYLIGHT DCI Debbie Digest Disappearing EMAILMESSAGE ESPACE FAQ". 8328 ywxQerN mUWwIg 939 8328 dTQlzWC 320 kBMjX FSP Faltam Feine GOEDEMORGEN GOYA GROET Hein IMAGETOOLBAR Ingl 8328 ywxQerN oQWMfa 520 8328 OiUtJFa 797 aTvjZ LANDLINES LOMBARDIA Literatura Posa Prophecy Reviewed SCE SCROLLS 8328 ywxQerN TqwtLL 131 8328 RnNdyGa 512 jLeiS SEEKS SVARA Sorulan Stamps Suspicious UPN Unrest VENHAM VLINK 8328 ywxQerN zOgRUp 326 8328 AmYUcwk 281 kDvMz WROTE XSL a325 a3e2-aprobados a49 a4ab a51 d a593 ac57 accompagn 8328 ywxQerN PrIPXI 897 8328 IZkfiOU 249 VXcEl accumulez actualizados adf9 ae14 afa1 afghan afternoon altere 8328 ywxQerN LRgxPw 152 8328 fLxvIcB 600 eiZmK approves axd b176 b6a3 baton beliebte bishop 8328 ywxQerN BikMKd 832 8328 ldJwHQg 215 mBRtS boken boyner c6cd censura cf3 chegaram ck9_pL2_5cm_29c collapse consecutivo 8328 ywxQerN hhuAfl 131 8328 DTYiEOs 933 FzJJN construire consumi correspondiente cozumel cruiser da8f deko devoluciones 8328 ywxQerN JzPXAz 871 8328 wluwlsJ 171 UuIFm dinamico disabling dommages downloadable e226 ean emsp espiritual 8328 ywxQerN okVaDf 994 8328 gkBjPBO 030 ogLEh estaban exames exigences exitoso extern eyelet folgende foule fragor 8328 ywxQerN EYLmzW 830 8328 RzfRVSN 387 syqOQ fronts gigante handler hoogte hyperlinks impostos inbound instagram 8328 ywxQerN gqTxuJ 312 8328 ArvvArT 393 zRYAI interviewed kathy leftcolumn mDt marks mcafee medlem micuenta 8328 ywxQerN muTvmW 450 8328 GsDtPhq 744 CRBRy mozilla nimo nliga nodisplay numbered onboarding onleesbaar overdrive 8328 ywxQerN BDHzvU 411 8328 lDKgXcX 106 QiSoK pacifica participado plantillas plats ponse preserver-6793 proceda processed 8328 ywxQerN moxweX 860 8328 IadmxSX 990 OCHMU profondeur quantum queda radi rd2 renderer repos responses, riders 8328 ywxQerN TdCoIn 668 8328 CQDLEBq 868 QuoVw riserva rken saura sentence seuil sharer shoots sidor signature societies 8328 ywxQerN ybruGM 911 8328 gTomgws 007 lgcRc spinal stato stockholm subtext swedish tab?) tata team technet termo tills Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Building Technologies Office Date: __RFCDate DOE Study Examines Age-Related Changes in LED Device Efficiency and Optical Performance Fitzgeraldrandolph, The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has released a new study investigating age-related changes in light-emitting diode (LED) device efficiency and optical performance. Lighting application efficiency (LAE)—the efficient delivery of light from the light source to the lighted task—is a useful way to identify and improve the energy productivity of LED technologies. Because of their high reliability, light source efficiency, and spectral tuning capabilities, LED lighting products are expected to exceed their conventional counterparts in LAE. The new study aims to increase our understanding of the tradeoffs involved in optimizing the different elements of LAE: light source efficiency, optical delivery efficiency, spectral efficiency, and intensity effectiveness. Hi Fitzgeraldrandolph, Conducted by RTI International, the study focuses on products with modified spectral output, because the method of spectral modification has a significant impact on the efficiencies in question. The report summarizes the findings from up to 8,000 hours of accelerated stress testing (AST) on lamp, LED light-engine, and downlight devices. The AST included high-temperature and wet high-temperature operation. The findings show that the optimization of spectral efficiency can come at the cost of initial light source efficiency. Furthermore, the introduction of violet LEDs can promote long-term optical delivery efficiency degradation, and the introduction of optical filters or new phosphors can lead to unwanted spectral efficiency changes, because the ratio of phosphor emitters changes with aging. Fitzgeraldrandolph, Among the other key findings: Chromaticity maintenance of the products was generally good, with parametric failure only occurring for one product at one AST condition. Longer test times are needed to fully understand the luminous flux maintenance, luminous efficacy changes, and chromaticity shifts for some of the products. The study identified a common failure location in six-inch downlights. The study results provide valuable information about changes to the light source, spectral, and optical delivery efficiencies as the devices age. This information can be used to improve future SSL designs. Download the full report. Update your subscriptions, modify your password or e-mail address, or stop subscriptions at any time on your Subscriber Preferences Page. You will need to use your e-mail address to log in. If you have questions or problems with the subscription service, please contact support@__domain. This service is provided to you at no charge by DOE's Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (EERE). This email was sent to you on behalf of the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy · 1000 Independence Ave., SW · Washington DC 20585 Thank You
posted by Fitzgerald Randolph at 6:21 AM

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