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Hi Kennedy,
Thank you for reaching out. Before we can get a quote to you, there are a couple of questions we need to understand.
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I hope to hear back from you soon.
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Dear Reader: Diabetes is one of the most common chronic diseases of childhood, affecting over 13,000 children in New York State. This disease requires a unique, complex and inseparable blend of self-care and medical care. Parents, schools, communities and the health care team must work collaboratively to provide information and training to ensure that children with diabetes can participate fully and safely in all settings, especially school. The New York State Department of Health Diabetes Prevention and Control Program is working to provide comprehensive and up-to-date resources that help children with diabetes grow up to be healthy and productive adults. It is my hope that you will find Children with Diabetes: A Resource Guide for Families and Schools to be a valuable tool. In addition to the wealth of information provided in the first edition of the resource guide, this revised guide now addresses the serious emerging issues of childhood obesity/overweight and type 2 diabetes in children, and provides promising strategies to reduce risk. I would like to thank the many committed individuals who contributed their time and expertise to this project. It is this type of successful collaboration that makes New York stand out as a leader in public health. Health care and education are critically important components of childhood development and all of New York's children deserve a bright and healthy future. Sincerely, Nirav R. Shah, M.D., M.P.H., Commissioner�5
Dear Prospective Ed.D., Higher Education Strand Applicant:We are very pleased that you are interested in the Higher Education Strand of CCSU's Doctor ofEducation (Ed.D.) in Educational Leadership, designed for current higher education professionalswho aspire to leadership positions on college or university campuses. We look forward to receivingyour application.As you complete your application, keep in mind the following admission criteria:1. Master's degree from an accredited institution of higher education in a discipline orprofessional field that is relevant to the Ed.D. in Educational Leadership.2. A 3.00 or higher cumulative average (GPA) in all graduate coursework.3. Two or more letters of reference from leaders in postsecondary education familiar withyour work. Ask your references to use the form on the next page.4. Résumé that illustrates important work-related experiences with an emphasis on yo urwork as a leader at postsecondary institutions of higher education.5. Acceptable scores on the General Test of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) takenwithin five years of your application.6. A personal statement covering six important topics:• Career goals• Intended area of individual specialization• Reasons for pursuing a doctorate• Commitment to residency requirements (one three-day weekend in the first springsemester, one full week each of the first, second, and third summer sessions)• Commitment to enrolling in two cohort courses each spring and fall semester• Commitment to summer enrollment during each 8-week summer session7. If selected as a finalist, a satisfactory interview with the admissions committee.We accept new students in alternate years only. Applications are due by October 1, 2017.Admission standards are rigorous, and not everyone who meets our standards wil l be accepted.Please note that the admission process calls for submission of materials to two locations. The lastpage of this packet is a checklist of the various steps. Submit your Graduate Application and $50application fee online. Transcripts from every college you have attended as an undergraduate andgraduate student should be submitted to Graduate Admissions in 102 Barnard Hall. In addition youmust send the following materials directly to the Ed.D. Program (attention Rouzan Kheranian) in 320Barnard Hall:1. Two letters of recommendation from educational leaders. Use the Reference Form (page2 of this packet).2. Your personal statement attached to the form on page 3 of this packet.3. Your résumé.4. Your GRE scores. When requesting that scores be sent, use GRE reporting code 3143 toassure that the Ed.D. office receives your scores.Cordially,Peter F. Troiano, Ph.D.Ed.D. Program Direct or, Higher Education Strand
posted by Fitzgerald Randolph at 9:54 AM
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