I will be out of the office from Tuesday, February 18 through Friday, February 21. I will have access to email and will reply if necessary. All other emails will be returned on Monday, February 24. Thank you!
Services Manager
Dear Prospective Ed.D., Higher Education Strand Applicant:
We are very pleased that you are interested in the Higher Education Strand of CCSU's Doctor of
Education (Ed.D.) in Educational Leadership, designed for current higher education professionals
who aspire to leadership positions on college or university campuses. We look forward to receiving
your application.
As you complete your application, keep in mind the following admission criteria:
1. Master's degree from an accredited institution of higher education in a discipline or
professional field that is relevant to the Ed.D. in Educational Leadership.
2. A 3.00 or higher cumulative average (GPA) in all graduate coursework.
3. Two or more letters of reference from leaders in postsecondary education familiar with
your work. Ask your references to use the form on the next page.
4. Résumé that illustrates important work-related experiences with an emphasis on yo ur
work as a leader at postsecondary institutions of higher education.
5. Acceptable scores on the General Test of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) taken
within five years of your application.
6. A personal statement covering six important topics:
• Career goals
• Intended area of individual specialization
• Reasons for pursuing a doctorate
• Commitment to residency requirements (one three-day weekend in the first spring
semester, one full week each of the first, second, and third summer sessions)
• Commitment to enrolling in two cohort courses each spring and fall semester
• Commitment to summer enrollment during each 8-week summer session
7. If selected as a finalist, a satisfactory interview with the admissions committee.
We accept new students in alternate years only. Applications are due by October 1, 2017.
Admission standards are rigorous, and not everyone who meets our standards wil l be accepted.
Please note that the admission process calls for submission of materials to two locations. The last
page of this packet is a checklist of the various steps. Submit your Graduate Application and $50
application fee online. Transcripts from every college you have attended as an undergraduate and
graduate student should be submitted to Graduate Admissions in 102 Barnard Hall. In addition you
must send the following materials directly to the Ed.D. Program (attention Rouzan Kheranian) in 320
Barnard Hall:
1. Two letters of recommendation from educational leaders. Use the Reference Form (page
2 of this packet).
2. Your personal statement attached to the form on page 3 of this packet.
3. Your résumé.
4. Your GRE scores. When requesting that scores be sent, use GRE reporting code 3143 to
assure that the Ed.D. office receives your scores.
Peter F. Troiano, Ph.D.
Ed.D. Program Direct or, Higher Education Strand
----k6DNeoIy;isYmdS 2019-2020 Board Approved: July 29, 2019 - 2 - Table of Contents Letter to Parents 3 Coaching List 4 Concerns 5 UIL Athletic Eligibility 5 Awards & Honors 5 Athletic Guidelines 6 Training Rules 7 General Conduct Discipline 8 Discipline for Tobacco/Alcohol/Drugs/Illegal Substances 8 Practice/Game Conduct 9 Missed Practices 9 Conduct on Trips 9 Classroom Conduct 10 In-School-Suspension 10 General Guidelines 10-11 Accident Insurance 12 Athletic Handbook Receipt 13 - 3 - Dear Parent: Your son/daughter has expressed a desire to participate in the Terrell County Independent School District Athletic program. It is the belief of the school administration and the coaching staff that athletics can do more for your child than teach him/her to play the sport he/she has chosen. We believe athletics instills the desire to succeed, attain personal goals that insure maximum team effort, and builds strength of body and strength of character. It is our belief that strength of character is the foundation upon which to build the welldeveloped, productive individual. Athletes, as people in any specialized field, have a unique role to play. They are constantly being monitored by their peers, teachers, and the community. Being under this scrutiny, athletes must have a strong character and remain constantly aware of the role they have assumed. They must be certain they present to their peers, teachers and community the respect, sincerity and honesty expected of young ladies or gentlemen. We believe very strongly that our athletes should possess these qualities. Because of this belief, we have established the following set of guidelines to be followed by all athletes in this program. This handbook serves as a guide, but should not be considered allinclusive. Any other actions deemed inappropriate will be handled accordingly. ALL ATHLETES, REGARDLESS OF SPORT, MUST FOLLOW THESE RULES: 1) Abide by all University Interscholastic League (UIL) rule specifications and abide by local athletic policy. 2) Attend every practice session and athletic contest unless illness or emergency situations arise (The athlete or the guardian/s must notify the coach if the athlete will not attend a session. The phone number of the athletic office is 432-345-2515.) 3) At all times, respond to every situation as young ladies or gentlemen. 4) Because of our belief that winners do more than asked of them, and strive to be the best they can be, Sanderson athletes will conform to the Terrell County ISD dress code at school and all school-related activities, while abiding by the following athletic guidelines. - 4 - 2019-2020 Coaching Staff Football Head Coach – David Donnell Assistant Coaches – Jerry Garza, Sam Magallan, Stephen Thomas Volunteer Coaches – Marco Fuentez, Fernando Sanchez Cross Country Head Coach – Stephen Thomas Assistant Coach – Trisha Stannard Boys' Basketball Head Coach – Sam Magallan Assistant Coaches – David Donnell, Stephen Thomas Girls' Basketball Head Coach – Jerry Garza Assistant Coaches – Kayla Fuentez, Stephen Thomas Tennis Head Coach – Trisha Stannard Assistant Coaches – David Donnell, Stephen Thomas Tennis Head Coach – Jerry Garza Assistant Coaches – Kayla Fuentez, Sam Magallan - 5 - CONCERNS If at any time during the school year parents have concerns or questions, please contact your child's immediate coach first. If further inquiry is necessary, please contact the following people in the order listed: A. Sport Head Coach B. Campus Behavior Coordinator D. Superintendent UIL AND ATHLETIC ELIGIBILITY For a student to participate in a practice, a game, or event that occurs on a school day, that student must be present on the same day. If the activity is an all day event, the student must have been present the previous day. The only exception to be made is given to the student who secures prior permission from the administration for that absence. If this permission is granted, the student will be considered eligible for a practice, game, or performance. AWARDS & HONORS According to the U.I.L. (University Interscholastic League) regulations a student can receive only one letter jacket during a four year tenure in high school. A student may earn a letter jacket the following way in athletics. 1) The athlete must letter in more than one sport or letter in the same sport two years. 2) The athlete must make a substantial contribution to the varsity sport. Note: Completing a season in a sport does not mean that an athlete will letter on the varsity level. Student-athletes will be measured for their letterman jacket in the spring of their sophomore year and will receive it in the fall of their junior year. - 6 - ATHLETIC GUIDELINES ALL ATHLETES, REGARDLESS OF SPORT/SEASON, MUST NOT AT ANY TIME BREAK THE FOLLOWING ATHLETIC GUIDELINES: 1) Athletes will not smoke and/or use tobacco or snuff. 2) Athletes will not consume or possess alcoholic beverages of any kind. 3) Athletes will not use illegal substances of any kind. 4) Athletes will not conduct themselves in a manner unbecoming to young ladies or gentlemen. No negative action should be engaged in that might reflect negatively on Terrell County ISD. 5) Athletes will not engage in bullying or cyber-bullying. 6) Appropriate and respectful behavior will be expected of you. Violation of these athletic policies will result in appropriate disciplinary action being taken against the student and may result in his/her removal from the athletic program. Therefore, we ask your cooperation in motivating your son/daughter to observe these rules in order that they receive the maximum benefit from this athletic program. ****Athletes who engage in bullying or cyber-bullying will be dismissed and/or suspended from the team. The length of the suspension will be dependent on the infraction; however, the minimum punishment will be a 2 game suspension. MALE ATHLETES 1) No earrings at school or school related activities. 2) No non-standard hair styles will be allowed. These hair styles include, but are not limited to shaved designs, color, tails, or any style deemed non-standard by the head coach. Hair style is to be clean-cut & remain cut above the ear. Highlights should be throughout the entire head of hair; no single strand(s) intended to attract attention. 3) No facial hair, including, but not limited to mustaches and goatees. 4) Caps and/or hats will be worn at the discretion of the head coach, but will not be worn so as to call attention to the individual, and will be worn properly positioned at all times. 5) Allowance of cell phones, CD players, and/or radios etc. will be at the discretion of the head coach. 6) Game-day apparel should be worn on game-days. 7) Any attempt to bypass these rules will be a violation of the rules and will be dealt with accordingly. - 7 - FEMALE ATHLETES 1) No non-standard hair styles will be allowed. These hair styles include, but are not limited to shaved designs, or any style deemed non-standard by the head coach. 2) Hair style will be of such a nature that it does not impede the athlete's ability to perform her athletic assignment to the best of her ability. Style & color will be determined by the head coach. High-lights should be throughout the entire head of hair; no single strand(s) intended to attract attention. 3) Nail length should be at the discretion of the sport head coach. 4) Allowance of cell phones, CD players, and/or radios etc. will be at the discretion of the head coach. 5) Game-day apparel should be worn on game-days. 6) Any attempt to bypass these rules will be violation of the rules and will be dealt with accordingly. TRAINING RULES 1) Since physical conditioning is necessary to ensure the success of any athletic program, and is extremely beneficial to the athlete, training rules must be established to ensure that the person desiring to participate in any athletic program remains in proper physical condition. This is to ensure the safety of the individual and to maximize the benefits from the program. 2) In-season begins the day equipment is issued to an athlete and continues until all equipment is turned in. 3) The use of tobacco & alcohol in any form is prohibited. 4) The use of any illegal or dangerous drug, or any controlled substance as listed by the Texas Controlled Substance Act is prohibited; unless the same is used in accordance with directions obtained by prescription from a medical doctor. 5) Any athlete charged with a crime as described by the Texas Criminal Statutes shall be dismissed and/or suspended from the athletic program until further notice. 6) Curfew will be at the discretion of the sport head coach, and will be strictly adhered to if issued. - 8 - GENERAL CONDUCT DISCIPLINE 1) Warning- This guideline constitutes your warning. 2) Reprimand/Extra Running- A private reprimand by head coach and/or athletic director. Additional running to follow regular workout as deemed by head coach, and according to the severity of the offense. 3) Loss of Privilege- as deemed by head coach, but not less than a one week suspension. 4) Expulsion from that program. DISCIPLINE FOR TOBACCO, ALCOHOL, AND FOR ILLEGAL SUBSTANCES. THE DISCIPLINE OF STUDENT-ATHLETES CHARGED WITH THE USE, MISUSE, AND/OR ABUSE OF PRESCRIPTION DRUGS, INHALANTS, OVER-THE-COUNTER PILLS, AND ANY OTHER SUBSTANCE DEEMED HARMFUL TO THE HEALTH AND WELFARE OF THE STUDENT ATHLETE OR IF A COACH WITNESSES THE USE, MISUSE, AND/OR ABUSE OF PRESCRIPTION DRUGS, INHALANTS, AND ANY OTHER SUBSTANCE DEEMED HARMFUL TO THE HEALTH AND WELFARE OF THE STUDENT. DISCIPLINE FOR SUCH SUBSTANCES ARE AS FOLLOWS: DISCIPLINE FOR TOBACCO, ALCOHOL, & ILLEGAL SUBSTANCES 1) At the first infraction, the discipline will consist of 5 miles of extra running and a one week suspension. The parents/guardian will be notified of the discipline taken and the reason for it. 2) At the second infraction, the discipline will consist of 15 miles of extra running and a 30 day suspension. The parents/guardian will be notified of the discipline taken and the reason for it. 3) The third infraction will result in expulsion from all athletics for the rest of the year. ***TERRELL COUNTY ISD DRUG TESTING POLICY WILL BE FOLLOWED*** *** PRIOR LISTED POLICIES WILL BE IN EFFECT UNTIL THE CONCLUSION OF THE SPORTS SEASONS OF ALL TERRELL COUNTY ISD SPONSORED ATHLETIC EVENTS, INCLUDING REGULAR SEASON GAMES AND PLAYOFF APPEARANCES ***. - 9 - PRACTICE SESSION AND GAME CONDUCT 1) Athletes will obey all instructions given them by their coaches. Insubordination will not be tolerated and will be followed by prompt disciplinary action. Insubordination is grounds for immediate loss of playing privilege. 2) Good sportsmanship in practice/games is the essence of any athletic program and unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated. Fighting, disrespect for officials, foul language, or public displays of temper are deemed unsportsmanlike conduct, and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken. This type of conduct is grounds for immediate loss of playing privilege. 3) Issued equipment is the only equipment that is allowed during practices/games. MISSED PRACTICES 1) All missed practices will be made up. 2) Make-ups will be specific to the sport and at the discretion of the head coach. 3) Skipping Intentionally—Knowledge of intentional missed practice will result in disciplinary action by the sport head coach (Ex. extra running, suspension, dismissal from team). CONDUCT ON TRIPS 1) Athletes will conduct themselves in accordance with the coach's instructions on all trips. Failure to obey instruction will result in disciplinary action. Failure to follow instruction is grounds for immediate loss of playing privilege. 2) The Dress Code instituted by this school district and athletic department applies on all trips. 3) Athletes are expected to travel with the team to & from the game-site, unless arrangements have been made with the head coach. An athlete not traveling home with the team from an event must notify the coach prior to leaving for the event so that proper meal arrangements can be made for the rest of the team. If an athlete decides not to travel home with the team at the last minute and a meal has been ordered the athlete will reimburse the school the amount of the meal (exceptions for extenuating circumstances). 4) If an athlete is caught drinking while on a school sponsored activity it will call for an immediate dismissal from the athletic program. Additional disciplinary action may be taken by the District Administration or Athletic Director. - 10 - CLASSROOM CONDUCT 1) All athletes will observe all disciplinary rules established for regulating the conduct of students in this school as determined by the Board of Trustees. 2) Any athlete suspended from school will be ineligible to participate in his/her team's next competition following their return to school. 3) Delinquency acts such as skipping class, school, or practice will not be tolerated. 4) Detentions will be dealt with accordingly. 5) Follow and observe all classroom rules as posted by the classroom teacher. 6) Follow all rules in the student handbook. IN-SCHOOL-SUSPENSION/SUSPENSION FROM SCHOOL 1) Athletes who are assigned to ISS/Suspension are not allowed to attend practice/game session(s). They are ineligible to compete in a practice/competition for a period of one week. 2) Practice will be made-up at the discretion of the Head Coach. GENERAL GUIDELINES 1) Athletes must meet the minimum grade standards of UIL and TEA. At the present, he/she must be passing all subjects with a 70 average at the end of the six weeks grading period. Those that are having trouble meeting those standards must attend the athletic study hall daily until teacher notifies head coach or the principal the athlete is passing. The expectation is that a studentathlete's grades stay above 85%. Any grade of 75% or below will necessitate tutorials for that student in that course until satisfactory progress is being made. 2) Should an athlete start a sport and quit, he/she will only be reinstated upon approval by the head coach of that sport and the Athletic Director/Superintendent. 3) Athletes are expected to maintain a favorable attitude and conduct during offseason athletic periods. Should the attitude or conduct of any athlete become detrimental to the rest of the team, the athlete may be dismissed. Dismissal of this type will be considered the same as quitting a team, since both involve an attitude problem. 4) Athletes are expected to never yell or extend arms/legs or throw things from inside a team bus. They are expected to keep this vehicle clean, and to respect it in every way. 5) Any athlete found guilty of stealing or willfully destroying any school property or property of a fellow student is subject to punishment or dismissal from the athletic program. This shall include the taking and/or destroying the property of other schools. Any athlete found charged/guilty of a crime as described by the Texas Criminal Statutes shall be dismissed from the athletic program. - 11 - 6) During the spring season, students are allowed to be in three sports as long as long as practices are attended. However, a student-athlete will not be allowed to miss three days of school because of athletic activities. The student-athlete will need to pick which two activities they will be attending per week. 7) School Board Policy provides a hair and dress code found in the student handbook and Athletic Discipline Management Guide for Terrell County ISD. Athletes will abide by, and be a step above, this policy at all times. When traveling as a team, or for a school function, they will be expected to "dress up" for the occasion as deemed necessary by their coach. 8) Bullying as defined by Terrell County ISD Policy on line FFI (LOCAL): A single significant act or a pattern of acts by one or more students directed at another student that exploits an imbalance of power and involves engaging in written or verbal expression, expression through electronic means, or physical conduct that satisfies the applicability requirements below and that: (1) Has the effect or will have the effect of physically harming a student, damaging a student's property, or placing a student in reasonable fear of harm to the student's person or of damage to the student's property; (2) Is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive enough that the action or threat creates an intimidating, threatening, or abusive educational environment for a student; (3) Materially and substantially disrupts the educational process or the orderly operation of a classroom or school; or (4) Infringes on the rights of the victim at school; and ***Includes Cyber-bullying "Cyber-bullying" means bullying that is done through the use of any electronic communication device, including through the use of a cellular or other type of telephone, a computer, a camera, electronic mail, instant messaging, text messaging, a social media application, an Internet website, or any other Internetbased communication tool. Examples of Bullying include but are not restricted to: hazing, threats, taunting, teasing, confinement, assault, demands for money, destruction of property, theft of valued possessions, name calling, rumor spreading, or ostracism and will not be tolerated. Because you are an athlete and held to a higher standard this rule applies on and off campus. If your actions are determined to be detrimental to the athletic program you will be dismissed from the athletic program by the Athletic Director/Superintendent. - 12 - Accident Insurance PROCEDURES FOR HANDLING CLAIMS AND MEDICAL BILLS Medical Bills Personal health insurance (ex: Blue Cross and Blue Shield) must be applied first on any medical service rendered. The athletic insurance provided by Terrell County ISD plan will serve as secondary coverage after the personal health insurance has been applied. *If the athlete has no personal health insurance coverage, the athletic insurance plan will be applied to a percentage of the bill. Remaining balances on medical statements will be the responsibility of the injured athlete's parents or guardian. Claims A claim form for every athletic related injury will be initiated by the athletic director who has referred the injured athlete. As stated above, personal insurance is applied first in all cases and the athletic insurance used after or, in cases where athletes have no personal insurance. All athletic injuries will be handled by the head coach and athletic director unless otherwise stated. Coaches Do Not make doctor referrals or commitments of payment on medical bills under any circumstances. Insurance Forms For all athletic insurance forms and questions, contact Stephen Thomas, Athletic Director, at 432-345-2515. NOTE: Soon after school opens, parents will have the opportunity to purchase low-cost insurance that would help meet medical expenses in the event of an injury to their child. For more information, contact the campus secretary. - 13 - I the undersigned parent/guardian have read the rules and understand the rules contained in this Handbook. I understand that my child must abide by these rules. Failure to do so may cause my child to be reprimanded, suspended, or dismissed. STUDENT-ATHLETE SIGNATURE:_________________________________ DATE:________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE:_________________________________ DATE:________________ Athletic Handbook Receipt & Acknowledgement 2019-2020
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