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This email is for Randolph Fitzgerald because you signed up for this service.


My dear Randolph,

Have you taken the time to listen to my video message?

I’ll be honest with you because time is against you. Tomorrow, the bubble of angelic energies which is supposed to protect you will begin to disintegrate. Facing the dark powers, the negative energies and evil curses, you’ll no longer be protected.

Do you really want to take this risk? I shouldn’t think so. So, the question is: Why don’t you answer me? Do you have so much trouble trusting me? Do you really think I would spend my time writing to you if it weren’t important?

Do you want to find harmony, peace, joy, and luck? If the answer is yes, then you must answer me!

Randolph, you must listen to your common sense and answer me quickly. As soon as I receive your message, I vow to send you the true Holy Prayer of Saint Expedit and your fantastic lucky-charm present.

I remind you that Saint Expedit is one of the most powerful and the most protecting beings of light in existence. As soon as you’ve said the holy words of the Prayer, you’ll be under good protection and you’ll have nothing to fear.

Under the protection of Saint Expedit, you can at last sleep in peace!

But that’s not all Randolph… I assured you a present and I’ll keep this pledge. I’m going to send you the Marvelous Sun of Amori.

This Talisman has extraordinary power. It favors luck in a surprising way.

To use it, you only need to place your hand on it, to say clearly what you wish for and you’ll see that within the following days, your wishes will be granted. Sometimes in a completely unexpected manner.

Here’s an example: An unexpected bill to be paid? You’ll place your hand, you’ll ask the Sun of Amori to activate its power and to help you to pay this unexpected bill and in the following days, you’ll be surprised for example to receive an unexpected sum of money or to receive a letter announcing that there has been a mistake. One thing is for sure, something extraordinary will happen and you’ll have a good surprise.

Randolph, you must really consider my message because it can make your life light and easy. If it’s the amount of the donation that’s preventing you from going ahead, I’ve decided to reduce the participation requested.

Come and join me on this link and you’ll at last be able to sleep in peace tomorrow.

In the meantime, take care of yourself and never forget to love yourself!

With all my affection,


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