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This email is for Randolph Fitzgerald because you signed up for this service.


My dear Randolph,

Before you even read this message, I ask you to immediately read this phrase out loud: “Coulpa diem, repossoum desis!”

Have you said this prayer? You were right to do so because you’re currently under good protection. At this point, come and discover the message I recorded for you.

In this video message, I explain why I asked you to say this prayer but especially, you’ll discover two elements important for your future:

  1. You’ll learn that it’s important to protect yourself for once and for all against the dark powers that come regularly to attack you and create so many problems!
  2. You’ll discover a beautiful present that will fill you with joy! Thanks to the beautiful surprise I have for you, you’ll at last have fabulous luck!

But before you think about attracting luck, you must absolutely be under good protection. Why? Because beautiful souls are more susceptible than others to attract the dark powers. I would like to say the opposite but alas, this is how it works!

In a way, you’re the ideal “prey”! I suggest you take effective action!

The dark powers always feed upon the thoughts of love of human beings with a big heart. They feed on their positive energies because they are incapable, themselves, of having any.

In your opinion, why do you think you have so many problems?

No, you weren’t born under an unlucky star and no, your birth chart isn’t disastrous. And yet, you accumulate hardships. In your opinion Randolph, why? There must be a reason. What do you think?

I’ll give you an answer: Because you’re a victim of the dark powers!

Each time you have conflicts with those dear to you, each time you have financial problems, each time you have projects that fail, it’s because the dark powers come to spoil everything. You must be under the protection of a Being of Light! And the most effective one in this area is Saint Expedit!

Who is Saint Expedit?

Saint Expedit is a superior being. He’s more powerful and stronger than all the angels. He’s a being of love, so luminous and so extraordinary that he’s capable of chasing away for good the dark powers. He only needs to be called upon so that, thanks to his magic and divine breath, he places his protection of love.

The dark powers fear him because he’s luminous and good!

For your information: Saint Expedit, when he was alive, eliminated the harm that came to him in the form of a crow. This is why he’s represented in the uniform of a soldier, with his foot placed on this bird. Just next to it, it’s written: Cras et Hodie. Symbolically, this means: "I annihilated the evil!”

It is said in the sacred writings that at the place where Saint Expedit fought, an unknown flower with three petals appeared and that, the following night, a dazzling light spread through the night.

The solution is here:

So that you can ask easily for the protection of Saint Expedit, I’ve made you a file called "the Prayer of Saint Expedit” where you’ll find the true words he sends you. You won’t find it anywhere else as only the Initiated ones possess it.

With the protection of Saint Expedit, you’ll have nothing to fear!

In the file made for you, you’ll also find your marvelous, surprise present! It comes from a magnificent place, in the Indian Ocean, more precisely the Isle of Reunion. Over there, magic is part of everyday life.

It’s an extraordinary Lucky charm that attracts luck in a surprising way!

If you listen to my video, you’ll learn more and I’m sure you’ll only want one thing: To soon have it close to you!

To receive the Prayer of Saint Expedit and your magnificent present, come and ask me for it on this link!

Randolph, especially, don’t be sad, everything is coming back into order.

Only a few days longer and you’ll be reborn! I assure you!

With all my affection,


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