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Trending stores: When your team "rolls" by another, the term comes from Alabama's "Roll Tide" chant. Happy Birthday Nicole Kidman, John Goodman, and Lionel Richie. National Ant Day celebrates the strength and resolve of ants every August. The United States only recognizes one language - English. The truthful headline goes to Louise - the world's first test tube baby. Color TV was a 1960s thing, and Allen Iverson ranted about practicing habits, but not on this date in 1997. Every Valentine`s Day, the Italian city of Verona receives approximately 1,000 letters that have been addressed to Juliet. Dr. Seusss Green Eggs and Ham was outlawed in China between 1965 and 1991. April 18, 1942: Tokyo Is Bombed - The Gettysburg Times. Celine Dion's My Heart Will Go On is the best selling single of all time. Eating candy can help fight cancer. He was best known for his role as Superman in the 1950s television program Adventures of Superman. Crushed Tylenol can be sprinkled in the upper atmosphe re to increase the likelihood of snow. It costs the U.S. Mint almost twice as much to mint each penny and nickel as the coins are actually worth. In Golden Axe, enemy scream sound effects were the same ones used in the movies First Blood and Conan The Barbarian. Chris Pratt stole his Star-Lord costume from the set of Guardians of the Galaxy. Zombies were big in 2016, as AMC's The Walking Dead was the highest rated show.. It's all about the potato today so move aside sweetie keep that ketchup in the bottle - unless you want some with your french fries because you are having some on National Potato Day! The highest score ever in Scrabble competition was 392 points with the word "caziques." Bees can signal bees from other hives when they need help. The Dutch make great chocolate but they don't put it on their burgers, and wasabi sprinkles aren't a common topping, but green peas is a popular topping on pizza in Brazil. If you picked GH you know your stuff respect if you know the tow n is Port Charles. We were totally lying about the Bold and the Beautiful and Young and the Restless! The endangered Dodo is a flightless bird native to the Asian-Pacific. Proof of aliens assisting early mankind exists in a new exhibit at the Smithsonian Museum. Sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia is the scientific term for brain freeze. Green Lantern originally appeared in All-American Comics #16 (July 1940), published by All-American Publications, one of three companies that would eventually merge to form DC Comics. This Green Lantern's real name was Alan Scott, a railroad engineer who, after a railway crash, came into possession of a magic lantern which spoke to him and said it would bring power. DJ Idunno has mixed more beats than any other emcee. Stock up on toothpaste, it's "Brush Your Teeth Five Times Day" today! The semi-colon is commonly misused, and if you used it the way we suggested you'd be wrong! The period wasn't invented accidentally either. The word "et" is the Latin wo rd for "and" so it makes sense & stuff. After every homerun hit, Major League Baseball examines the bat of the hitter. Doctor James Penicillin discovered penicillin in the early 1900s. According to fan boys, it has been determined that The Simpsons family live in Springfield, Ohio. Frozen Yogurt Week, International Pimp Hat Day, and National Flock To France Month are all September "holidays." Andy White, the drummer who played on the definitive version of The Beatles' Love Me Do, never earned more than his original session fee of 7 from the track.. Of all the talent listed out in today's Smack A Fact, it is Mr. Bieber that is the correct choice. We can't Bieliebe it either! Lions can run faster than cheetahs, pumas, and other feline species. At the first modern Olympic games, winners were awarded silver medals, not gold. All waves are considered tsunamis, however, the ones the reach inland are ones you really notice. Brexit is the term used to describe the Brits leaving the Europe an Union. One fast food hamburger may contain meat from 100 different cows. The first ball dropped at Times Square was far from the glitz and glam of today's and was made from wood and iron. 100 million bottles of champagne is a lot of bubbly. Most people do abandon their resolutions but not 95%. Yeoman (F) was a rank in the U.S. Naval Reserve in World War I - and the right answer. Jane Alexander was a made up transgendered soldier, and the first African Americans served in the Revolutionary War. Hockey ratings aren't as bad as we made them out to be and though football is insanely popular in the U.S. it doesnt trump the insanity soccer has globally. That makes the viewing population of a weekly NFL schedule larger than the entire population of the UK. The smallest mammal in the world is the bumblebee bat which lives along the River Kwai in western Thailand. An endangered species, the bumblebee bat is not much larger than an actual bumblebee (1.2 in) and weighs less than a penny (0.07 oz). WWII is not being fought anywhere, and the Gulf War did not start on Thanksgiving either. But on the 11th month, on the 11th day, in the 11th hour WWI came to an end pretty cool huh? Worcestershire sauce is made from a funky concoction of anchovies and vinegar. White chocolate contains no chocolate, and it was the original formula for Coca-Cola that had a cocaine extract. In 1994, as a safety measure, NASCAR introduced roof flaps designed to disrupt the airflow over the roof of the car, eliminating the lift and preventing it from going airborne or rolling over at high speeds. Oklahoma's state vegetable is the watermelon. Ozzy Osbourne was a founding member of Black Sabbath but after 11 years of service was sacked from the group in 1979 due to drug-abuse issues. In every Donkey Kong Country game King K. Rool either steals the Banana Hoard or holds a Kong captive for ransom of the hoard. Former New York Senator Al D'Amato beat out Fiorello La Guardia to earn his job in NY politics. Brady Bunch bros Greg, Peter, and Bobby were actually brothers in real life. The D in D-Day stands for Day, in other words, Day-Day. Broadway's Nathan Lane actually lives on Nathan Lane in East Hampton, New York. For over a decade in Cuba, growing a beard was mandated for all boys coming of age.. Food by the pound is no guarantee that you will buy more of it, and bad smells will more than likely make you buy less, but you are more likely to buy more of anything when you are hungry. Alaska is the U.S. state with the most lakes. Movies that depict time travel are banned in China. The human body fully dies nearly two months after it actually dies. C.S. Lewis helped co-write the second Lord of the Rings novel. Golfers live very fast lives which is reflected in the average life expectancy of 27.5 years. Nikolai Gogol's most celebrated play was The Inspector General (1836), a comedy which told the tale of a young civil servant who finds himself stranded in a small town, mistaken for an influential government inspector. A masterpiece of dramatic satire, The Inspector General is universally respected as one of the greatest plays of the Russian theatre. The NES game pad earned an Oscar in 1989. In Family Guy, no one can hear the baby Stewie. A song can make or ruin a persons day if they let it get to them. It was E.T. - they buried the excess game cartridges in a landfill when the game flopped, there was even a documentary about it on HBO. MLB 2K was not scrapped because of a glitch and Delgo the game did not trump the movie. If you are in a spat with somebody, today's the day to reconcile it's Kiss and Make Up Day. Fire up the grill, today is National Hot Dog Day! Today's the anniversary of Nirvana front man Kurt Cobain's death. There was no ice cream in the freezer, nor did they have money to go to the store. The FBI received an anonymous tip on the plans to take down the World Trade Center on this date in 2001, but did not act on it. Both male an d female reindeer grow antlers. Iceland is so safe that parents routinely leave their babies alone to nap outside in their strollers while they run errands. September 6, 1986: "Gone-dhi: Gandhi Dead at 62" - The Washington Post. Former NFL wide receivers, Terrell Owens and Tim Brown were both honored on the first 81 Day on this day in 1997. Disney released Lion's Pride as The Lion King.. Paul Newman was on Nixon's Enemy List, and he was color blind so he wasn't able to be a pilot. He was considered for the role of Captain Quint in Jaws though. Goataku pupu is a Japanese delicacy that uses goat fecal matter to encase the cheese during fermentation. Annual gambling related to March Madness brackets could pay off the national debt of the U.S. Jonathan F. Northwood developed the chemical mixture for the gas chamber. The glue on Israeli postage stamps is certified kosher. Goldfish turn pale if kept in the dark. Football is a part of everyday culture for North Koreans as it is favorite sport in the country. Queen Elizabeth I wasn't a French native, and the future Queen Elizabeth II wasn't offered to the Nazi madman, but the English King George I was in fact German. With the ubiquity Google and Apple have in our lives, it is somewhat hard to believe that on April 3rd, 2000, the US Department of Justice was concerned with Microsoft being too big and powerful. The issue was MS bundling Internet Explorer as an a piece of software built in to Windows, and it was unfair to competitors like Netscape. Eat a Red Apple Day, Fritters Day, and National Mutt Day are actual December holidays though Holiday Cheer Day would be an appropriate one, unfortunately it's not a real holiday. All waves are considered tsunamis, however, the ones the reach inland are ones you really notice.. John Adams had a dog named Satan while serving as president. Kim Jong-il was the supreme leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), commonly referred to as North Korea, from 1994 to 2011. During Kim's regime the country suffered from famine, partially due to economic mismanagement, and had a poor human rights record -- perhaps because he spent his time composing operas. A League of Their Own tells the story of the Rockford Peaches, an All-American Girls Professional Baseball team managed by Jimmy Dugan (Tom Hanks), a former marquee Cubs slugger who initially treats the whole thing as a joke. When Nintendo created Kirby, the character was pink but was incorrectly shown as white on the game's label. Adolf Hitler has appeared in more films than any leader in history..