I'm Rita, I work as a veterinarian, I love animals and I want to meet my love, talk? five thousand of them here. I left him, closing the doors behind me. 236.28 I pointed the gun at the gardener. Your grounds are in terrible shape. Get up right now and fix them. And he scuttled out like a rocket, followed by his two helpers, both boys. I pointed the gun at the cook. Get me something to eat and then clean up your kitchen, its filthy. And he scuttled out. I pointed the gun at the head cleaning girl, Get those rooms dusted! Right now! And she and two small girls who help her left with speed. And then I pointed the gun at Karagoz, Your accounts are probably in total disorder. Get me a full accounting by dawn! https://1drv.ms/w/s!Ag5pXTYkZy9lbxAIPuBqNxed5vg?e=yISY0z