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It's zombie flu season, and this team of super commandos is the cure. Take a terrifying trip into the heart of evil with this cult classic inspired by the hit video game series.
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Once you get the curse, you'd better watch your back. Something wicked is coming after the teen heroes of this indie crowd-pleaser, and it refuses to be ghosted.
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When the sun is away, the vampires will play. One Alaskan town is about to become a blood-sucker's buffet in this daringly dark thriller based on the hit comic.
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Devi Inside
Sometimes letting it all out can be a dangerous proposition. Exorcise your inner demons with the polarizing horror story that changed the genre forever.
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Idle Hands
He's his own worst enemy - or at least part of him is. Find out why this gripping teen horror comedy has been handed down by cult horror fans for years.
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All's fair in love, war, and murderous family reunion dinners. This new-school fear-fest is non-stop action, with an ending you'll have to experience to believe.
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