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���People in this country have been slow to recognize that education is
a profession for which intensive preparation is necessary as it is in any other
profession���. ��This concern expressed in the University Education Commission
(1948-49) ��Report ��is ��alive ��in ��its ��relevance ��even ��today. �� ��The ��Education
Commission (1964-66) professed, ���the destiny of ��India is now being shaped
in her classrooms���. So did the National Policy on Education 1986 emphasize:
���The status of ��the teacher reflects the socio-cultural ethos of ��the society; it is
said that no people can rise above the level��
of ��its teachers���. ��Such exhortations
are ��indeed ��an ��expression ��of �� the ��important ��role ��played ��by ��the ��teachers ��as
transmitters, inspirers and promoters of ��man���s eternal quest for knowledge.
Should this role expectation be not taken as a rhetoric but as a goal to be
constantly striven for, the urgency is to address ourselves seriously to examining
the issues related to the preparation of ��teachers as well as to prune the theory
and practice of ��teacher education. ��Though��
verily a professional, the teacher���s
personality, in being humane to the learners, is the core foundational issue
on ��which ��this ��Framework ��is ��based, ��in ��order ��that ��it ��has ��a ��bearing ��on
transforming the very dynamics of ��teacher education��
per se
. ��Two significant
developments particularly, the National Curriculum Framework 2005 and
the Right of ��Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act 2009 as well
as the fundamental tenets enshrined in the Constitution of ��India have guided
the development of ��this Framework.
This ��National ��Curriculum ��Framework ��for ��Teacher ��Education
(NCFTE, ��2009) ��elaborates ��the ��context, ��concerns ��and ��vision ��underscoring
that teacher education and school education have a symbiotic relationship
and ��developments ��in ��both ��these ��sectors ��mutually ��reinforce ��the ��concerns
necessary for qualitative improvements of ��the entire spectrum of ��education
including teacher education as w
ell. ��The new concer
ns of ��school curriculum
and the expected transactional modalities have been emphasized in designing
this Framework for all stages of ��school education. ��Issues related to inclusive
education, perspectives for equitable and sustainable development, gender
perspectives, role of ��community knowledge in education and ICT in schooling
as well as e-learning become the centre-stage in the Framework.

A new approach to curricular areas of ��teacher education has been
highlighted. ��The curriculum of ��teacher education is broadly dealt with under
foundations of ��education, curriculum and pedagogy and school internship.
The foundations of ��education include learner studies, contemporary studies,
and educational studies. ��Curriculum and pedagogy deal with curriculum
studies, pedagogic studies and assessment and evaluation studies. ��The school
internship is visualized by situating the practice of ��teaching in the broader
context ��of �� vision ��and ��the ��role ��of �� teacher ��and ��sustained ��engagement ��with
learners ��and ��schools. �� ��In ��a ��departure ��from ��the ��existing ��approaches, ��the
rationale of ��each major area alongwith curricular provisions, both in theory
and practicum, have been indicated, leaving scope for individual reflection
on the part of ��the institutions offering teacher education and the academics
associated with them.
Transaction of ��the curriculum and evaluating the developing teacher
determine the extent to which the ideas conceptualized are put into practice.
The focus on process-based teacher education has been attempted as models
for practicing teachers to adopt/adapt. ��The suggestion to establish Teaching
Learning Centres to act as laboratories for the theory and practice of ��teacher
training ��has ��been ��emphasized. �� ��An ��appropriate ��focus ��on ��continuous ��and
comprehensive evaluation of ��developing teachers has been drawn up through
an evaluation protocol and suggestions given for designing instruments for
assessment and evaluation.
The conventional models of ��teacher education may continue though
the ��Framework ��does ��provide ��directions ��towards ��change ��in ��the ��structural
aspects ��of �� teacher ��education ��at ��elementary, ��secondary ��and ��post-graduate
levels. �� ��One ��reform ��that ��could ��achieve ��a ��breakthrough ��to ��vitalize ��teacher
education and through it the process of ��learning and teaching is to break the
isolation of ��teacher education institutions from the university life, from the
schools ��and ��from ��one ��another. �� ��The ��Framework ��reiterates ��in ��unequivocal
terms the need for this reform.
Pre-service ��and ��in-service ��components ��of �� teacher ��education ��being
inseparable, ��considerable ��focus ��has ��been ��given ��in ��this ��Framework ��on
continuing ��professional ��development ��strategies. ��Since ��a ��major ��area ��of
weakness in the existing teacher preparation programmes is the quality and
experience of ��those who have the responsibility of ��training young entrants
to the profession of ��teaching, a fresh perspective of ��preparation of ��teacher
educators is dealt with in detail.
This Framework is visualized to act as a catalyst to change the profile
of ��teacher education so that the teacher education institutions become active

centres not only of ��research but also of ��practical experiments directed to the
improvement ��of �� educational ��methods ��and ��curricula. �� ��It ��is ��a ��matter ��of
conviction that if ��teacher education institutions could be organized on right
lines and become dynamic centres of ��progressive educational movements,
the whole task of ��educational reconstruction would be greatly facilitated
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Chapter 1
Context, Concerns and Vision
of ��Teacher Education
1.1 �� Introduction
India ��has ��made ��considerable ��progress ��in ��school ��education ��since
independence with reference to overall literacy, infrastructure and universal
access and enrolment in schools. Two major developments in the recent years
form the background to the present reform in teacher education ��� the political
recognition ��of �� Universalization ��of �� Elementary ��Education ��(UEE) ��as ��a
legitimate demand and the state commitment towards UEE in the form of
the Right of ��Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009. This
would increase the demand manifold for qualified elementary school teachers.
The ��country ��has ��to ��address ��the ��need ��of �� supplying ��well ��qualified ��and
professionally trained teachers in larger numbers in the coming years. At the
same time, the demand for quality secondary education is steadily increasing.
It ��is ��recommended ��that ��the ��aim ��should ��be ��to ��reach ��universal ��secondary
education within a maximum of ��ten years. Given the problems of ��inadequate
quality in most secondary schools due to poor infrastructure and insufficient
and ��poorly ��equipped ��teachers, ��the ��need ��for ��addressing ��the ��professional
education of ��secondary teachers acquires great importance.
The ��National ��Curriculum ��Framework ��(NCF) ��2005 ��places ��different
demands and expectations on the teacher, which need to be addressed both
by initial and continuing teacher education. ��The importance of ��competent
teachers to the nation���s school system can in no way be overemphasized. It is
well known that the quality and extent of ��learner achievement are determined
primarily ��by ��teacher ��competence, ��sensitivity ��and ��teacher ��motivation. ��It ��is
common ��knowledge ��too ��that ��the ��academic ��and ��professional ��standards ��of
teachers constitute a critical component of ��the essential learning conditions
for ��achieving ��the ��educational ��goals. ��The ��length ��of �� academic ��preparation,
the ��level ��and ��quality ��of �� subject ��matter ��knowledge, ��the ��repertoire ��of
pedagogical skills the teachers possess to meet the needs of ��diverse learning
situations, ��the ��degree ��of �� commitment ��to ��the ��profession, ��sensitivity ��to
contemporary ��issues ��and ��problems ��as ��also ��to ��learners ��and ��the ��level ��of

motivation critically influence the quality of ��curriculum transaction in the
classrooms ��and ��thereby ��pupil ��learning ��and ��the ��larger ��processes ��of �� social
Teacher ��quality ��is ��a ��function ��of �� several ��factors: ��teachers��� ��status,
remuneration, ��conditions ��of �� work ��and ��their ��academic ��and ��professional
education. The teacher education system through its initial and continuing
professional ��development ��programmes ��is ��expected ��to ��ensure ��an ��adequate
supply of ��professionally competent teachers to run the nation���s schools. Initial
teacher ��education ��especially, ��has ��a ��major ��part ��to ��play ��in ��the ��making ��of �� a
teacher. ��It ��marks ��the ��initiation ��of �� the ��novice ��entrant ��to ��the ��calling ��and ��as
such ��has ��tremendous ��potential ��to ��imbue ��the ��would-be ��teacher ��with ��the
aspirations, knowledge-base, repertoire of ��pedagogic capacities and humane
1.2 �� The Changing School Context and its Demands
A teacher functions within the broad framework of ��the school education
system ��� its goals, curricula, materials, methods and expectations from the
teacher. A teacher education curriculum framework needs to be in consonance
with the curriculum framework for school education. A teacher needs to be
prepared in relation to the needs and demands arising in the school context,
to engage with questions of ��school knowledge, the learner and the learning
process. The expectations of ��the school system from a teacher change from
time to time, responding to the broader social, economic and political changes
taking place in the society.
School education has seen significant development over the decades
since independence. According to the Government of ��India estimates ��while
82 per cent of ��the 20 crore children of ��the 5-14 age group were in school as
per enrolment figures
, nearly 50 per cent of ��these children ��drop out before
completing c
lass VIII
. One finds the situation on the ground ridden with
difficulties. ��Regional, ��social, ��and ��gender ��disparities ��continue ��to ��pose ��new
challenges. T
his reality increases the c
hallenge of ��
implementing the Right
of ��Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act and, in particular, the
role and place of ��the school teacher.
The teacher must be equipped not only to teach but also to understand
the students and the community of ��parents so that children are regular in
schools and learn. The Act mandates that the teacher should refrain from
inflicting corporal punishment, complete the entire curriculum within the

given time, assess students, hold parent���s meetings and apprise them and as
part of ��the school management committee
, organise the overall running of
the school
The Act, vide section 29 (2), emphasises��
the following areas while laying
down the curriculum and evaluation procedures:
Conformity with the values enshrined in the Constitution.
All round development of ��the child.
Building up child���s knowledge, potentiality and talent.
Development of ��physical and mental abilities to the fullest extent.
Learning through activities, discovery and exploration in a child-
friendly and child-centred manner.
Medium ��of �� instruction ��shall, ��as ��far ��as ��practicable, ��be ��in ��child���s
mother tongue.
Making the child free of ��fear, trauma and anxiety and helping the
child to express views freely.
Comprehensive and continuous evaluation of ��child���s understanding
of ��knowledge and his or her ability to apply the sam

posted by Fitzgerald Randolph at 1:08 PM


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