
U-ltimate M-edical A-cademy is a nonprofit h-ealthcare career schoolâand students are at the heart of everything we do.
That's why we offer exclusive student services through your career training and beyond, beginning from the time you enroll online or at our campus in Clearwater, FL. We'll also guide you toward the right program for your goals, and help you understand the affordability of your career training.
So let us know you're interested, and we'll discuss how UMA can help you succeed :

DATE : ................................................TODAY_DATE

FIRST NAME:.................................................FIRST_NAME

LAST NAME: .................................................LAST_NAME


Institutionally Accredited by the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES)

Gainful employment information can be found at UltimateMedicaledu/gainful-employment and includes information on tuition, loan debt, completion, placement, and occupations.

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